STYKU 3D Body Scanner


FREE for current Semaglutide & Tirzepatide patients


Experience a True 3D health experience.

  • Stunning 2D/3D before/after visuals

  • Rotate/Pan/Zoom to view any angle

  • Estimate BMR and Daily Expenditure

  • Body Fat Ranking by Age/Gender


Advanced 3D health reporting.

  • Detailed graphs show changes over time

  • Advanced reporting includes visceral fat, bone mass, and more

  • Set Inch-loss (or cm-loss) goals


  • If you are a current Semaglutide or Tirzepatide patient there is NO COST.

    All other clients will incur a cost of $50/scan.

  • Styku 3D scanning takes multiple infrared scans within a few seconds to form a virtual 3D model of your body in 35 seconds. Styku measures body circumference and uses a complex equation to calculate an accurate prediction of body fat percentage.

  • Getting a Styku scan is easy. As mentioned before, it takes less than a minute to complete. To complete a scan, you stand on the Styku turntable in a relaxed stance with your hands slightly out the side.

    The turntable rotates a few times while it takes 600 infrared images. These images contribute to an inclusive 3D model that includes body composition. Then, you can see how the circumference of your body has change over time.

  • Styku is a great tool for tracking personal progress. The 3D body scans allow for customers to get a better perspective on how much their body has changed since they started working out or eating healthier.

    With the advantage of seeing themselves from the outside, individuals maintain motivation and continue to make progress.

    Styku 3D Body Scan is safe for pregnant and breastfeeding women.

  • Styku results present themselves in 3D form. But, it also offers recommendations for how to improve body fat percentage.

    The body fat analysis results let clients compare their body fat percentage to others in their same age and gender category.

    There’s also a scan history section that allows customers to see a graph that documents each of their scans and the dates. They can also see side by side comparisons of each of their 3D scans.

    The Styku system also lets customers set body fat percentage loss goals for themselves. Once they set a goal, the system will give them an estimated date for when they’ll complete their goal at the rate they’re currently going.

    Along with setting fat loss goals, the scanner also gives customers an idea of what their calorie intake should be each day to meet their goals. Styku gives you a calorie intake based on how much energy it expects you to expend.